Hello, I'm Tarik.

I'm a software engineer based in Algeria.I focus on Web development.

I can help you out with:

  • System Design
  • Web Development
  • Quality Assurance
  • DevOps
  • and more...
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Check out my projects

My Projects

Here are some of my recent projects. I'm always working on something new, so check back often!

Subfast.ai Subfast.ai AI SaaS platform generate multi language subtitles for videos. File Flex File Flex File conversion tool that allows you to convert files from one format to another.
View All My Projects

Some of my writing

My Writings

I write about web development, design, and productivity. I share my thoughts, ideas, and experiences on my blog. I hope you find them helpful.

DataMaster Internship

My experience as a DataMaster Intern at DataMaster, a devlopment company that specializes in building modern applications

Posted on 10th July, 2024

My Deployment Strategy: Docker, CI/CD, Coolify, and Hetzner VPS

Explore the synergy of Docker, CI/CD, Coolify, and Hetzner VPS in crafting a seamless software deployment strategy that ensures efficiency, scalability, and reliability.

Posted on 22nd June, 2024

© 2024 Tarik

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