DataMaster Internship

Data Master Internship

I recently completed my internship at DataMaster with my colleague Mohamed. It was an enriching experience that allowed me to work on real-world project, meet talented professionals, and gain valuable insights into the world of software development. In this post, I’ll share my journey as a DataMaster Intern, highlighting the project I worked on, the skills and the lessons I learned along the way.

🚀 Project Overview

Following our initial meeting, we identified a pressing need for a human resource management system within the company. Recognizing the potential to significantly enhance their organizational efficiency and employee experience, we proposed this as our project focus.

Time line

Since it was a 2-weeks internship, we had a limited time to work on the project. We started by understanding the requirements, planning the project, and spent the first week with the UML diagrams and the database design. The second week was dedicated to the implementation of the project. We know from the beginning that we will not be able to finish the project in 2 weeks, but we wanted to make sure that we have a solid foundation for the project.

📝 Project Implementation

We decided to build the project using the Nextjs, TypeScript, Ant Design, and DrizzleORM with the PostgreSQL driver. We chose Nextjs for its server-side rendering capabilities, TypeScript for its type safety, Ant Design for its rich UI components, and DrizzleORM for its simplicity and ease of use. We also used PostgreSQL as our database, given its robustness and scalability.

🏫 Lessons Learned

Throughout the internship, I learned a great deal about software development, project management, and teamwork. I gained hands-on experience with modern technologies like Nextjs, TypeScript, Ant Design, and DrizzleORM, which will be invaluable in my future projects. I also learned the importance of effective communication, time management, and collaboration in a professional setting and how important it is to have an online presence.


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